The Department of Labor added 200 more auditors to handle the increased volume in their investigations of Wage and Hour violations under the previous Secretary of Labor and no one knows yet how many more will be added by the incoming Secretary. Over the past four years stepped up audits have resulted in millions of dollars in back wage payments as well as penalties, fines, and interest. Additionally, civil lawsuits for Wage and Hour violations are always a threat to business and are also on the rise. This lecture focuses on how to comply with Federal and State requirements under wage and hour law to ensure compliance that will help to avoid these audits and lawsuits.

The state can have its own set up requirements for the same areas as listed above. In addition, there are many areas of wage and hour law that the FLSA does not even address but yet is required on the state level. This webinar examines the state requirements in the areas of meal and rest periods, payday statements (paystubs), posting requirements, how often an employee must be paid and by what method, and paying terminated employees.


  • Federal minimum wage
  • State minimum wage
  • Tip credits
  • Youth minimum wage (training wage)
  • Board and lodging credits
  • Defining the legal work week and work day
  • How and when to pay for travel time
  • What is considered hours worked and how do they affect overtime
  • Is it covered under the FLSA or do I need to check the state?
  • What to do when the FLSA and the state law differs
  • How to handle the FLSA and union contracts
  • What is regular rate of pay?
  • Posting requirements
  • Meal and rest periods
  • State requirements
  • Statements and payday notices
  • Frequency of wage payments
  • Method of payment
  • Paying terminated employees
  • Paying out accrued vacation

Why should you Attend:

This webinar concentrates on Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirements for wage and hour law that must be followed in the payroll department. Topics include calculating overtime correctly, workweek and workday definitions, travel time, minimum wage, and posting requirements. But there are more requirements than just the federal that payroll must handle.

Who should attend:

  • Payroll Supervisors and Personnel
  • HR Director, HR manager, HR VP, HR Specialist
  • HR Supervisors and Personnel
  • Public Accountants
  • Internal Auditors
  • Tax Compliance Officers
  • Enrolled Agents
  • Employee Benefits Administrators
  • Officers and Managers with Tax or Benefits Compliance Oversight
    Company /
  • Business Owners
  • Managers/ Supervisors
  • Public Agency Managers
  • Audit and Compliance Personnel / Risk Managers

**Recorded Version: Unlimited viewing for 365 days ( Access information will be emailed 36 hours after the completion of live webinar).

Vicki M. Lambert, CPP, is President and Academic Director of The Payroll Advisor™, a firm specializing in payroll education and training. The company’s website www.thepayrolladvisorcom offers a payroll news service that keeps payroll professionals up-to-date on the latest rules and regulations.