The Affirmative Action Plan
We often hear hard work is the bridge that connects dreams to reality but does it exist in…
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LIVEONLINETRAININGCOURSE Thi cour e i de igned to teach learner how to u e CHATGPT for Excel, a powerful tool that can help you automate...
LIVEONLINETRAININGCOURSE Better under tanding the employer re pon ibilitie Define how to properly calculate Garni hment deduction According...
LIVEONLINETRAININGCOURSE Workplace active hooter training are e ential part of the workplace afety training Active hooter incident are...
LIVEONLINETRAININGCOURSE FMLA, ADA and Worker ’ Compen ation are intricate leave law Every HR profe ional or de ignated per on in the...
LIVEONLINETRAININGCOURSE The EEO-1 Reporting i an annual data collection The EEO-1 data con i t of workforce demographic data Furthermore the...
LIVEONLINETRAININGCOURSE The importance of the IRS Form W-4 i fundamental to the payroll department It i the foundation for the taxation of...
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We often hear hard work is the bridge that connects dreams to reality but does it exist in…
While we grow up to become responsible humans with a stable career, our society, on the other hand,…
Discrimination in general exists in the workplace. Whether we want to accept the reality or not. And, employment…
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I watched the webinar on the I9 and it was very informative. We will definitely be doing an I9 audit, as recommended.