Managing leaves of absence under the major federal mandates can be confusing. Some employers with good intentions will administer both leaves by using the same forms, overlap the requirements, and consolidate the processes.

However, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) need to be administered using their own separate guidelines. When taken one by one, it’s clear that they are completely different in their own details and requirements and, as a result, must be managed carefully.

If you’re new to the field of leave management – whether you’re in Human Resources or not – or if your company is growing to the 50-employee mark, it’s wise to educate yourself about the FMLA and ADA and familiarize yourself with the details, especially with how they both are to be managed with COVID-19 requirements and safety protocols.


  • Define the coverage, details, and requirements to employers and employees under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
  • Describe the coverage, details, and obligations to employers under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Summarize the situations under which both laws could apply.
  • Enumerate guidelines for employers to administer and manage employees using both and/or either type of laws.
  • Explain five critical steps to administering FMLA.
  • Understand employer obligations and watch-outs in this era of COVID-19 as they relate to FMLA and ADA.

Why You Should Attend:

By preparing yourself ahead of time, you’ll know the requirements of both the FMLA and ADA beforehand as opposed to implementing a plan and delivering on a process as a specific situation comes up. By attending this training session, you’ll have the information you need to build a process for your organization as well as build your own confidence in this area.

This course is especially helpful to the non-HR leader who manages employees and encounters requests for leaves of absence, accommodation, and time off for health reasons.

The topics of FMLA and ADA became more complicated as the pandemic became a part of our everyday lives. This session will help you to understand the requirements of both laws in light of leaves of absence and reasonable accommodation that may or not be COVID-19 related.

Who Should Attend:

  • HR professionals, all levels
  • Leaders, Managers, and Supervisors
  • Small and medium-size business owners

Note: You will get access to the Recording link and E-Transcript; in your account and at your registered email address.

Melveen Stevenson is the CEO and founder of M.S.Elemental, LLC, a human resources and business advisory firm. As a certified HR professional with a background in accounting and finance, she helps companies to navigate the human resources “jungle” of compliance, human capital, and leadership challenges. In doing so, she empowers companies to strengthen their infrastructure from the inside out, specifically through leadership development, operations, training, employee engagement, and executive coaching.

Course Information

  • October 14, 2021
  • Available All Day
  • 60 Minutes
  • Melveen Stevenson